573 research outputs found

    Classical models may be a better explanation of the Jiuzhang 1.0 Gaussian Boson Sampler than its targeted squeezed light model

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    Recently, Zhong et al. performed landmark Gaussian boson sampling experiments with up to 144 modes using threshold detectors. The authors claim to have achieved quantum computational advantage with the implementation of these experiments, named Jiuzhang 1.0 and Jiuzhang 2.0. Their experimental results are validated against several classical hypotheses and adversaries using tests such as the comparison of statistical correlations between modes, Bayesian hypothesis testing and the Heavy Output Generation (HOG) test. We propose an alternative classical hypothesis for the validation of these experiments using the probability distribution of mixtures of coherent states sent into a lossy interferometer; these input mixed states, which we term squashed states, have vacuum fluctuations in one quadrature and excess fluctuations in the other. We find that for configurations in the high photon number density regime, the comparison of statistical correlations does not tell apart the ground truth of the experiment (two-mode squeezed states sent into an interferometer) from our alternative hypothesis. The Bayesian test indicates that, for all configurations excepting Jiuzhang 1.0, the ground truth is a more likely explanation of the experimental data than our alternative hypothesis. A similar result is obtained for the HOG test: for all configurations of Jiuzhang 2.0, the test indicates that the experimental samples have higher ground truth probability than the samples obtained form our alternative distribution; for Jiuzhang 1.0 the test is inconclusive. Our results provide a new hypothesis that should be considered in the validation of future GBS experiments, and shed light into the need to identify proper metrics to verify quantum advantage in the context of GBS. They also indicate that a classical explanation of the Jiuzhang 1.0 experiment, lacking any quantum features, has not been ruled out.Comment: The code used to calculate threshold probabilities can be found in the repository https://github.com/ polyquantique/torontonian-julia . All the data used in the computation of the validation tests is available upon reasonable request, or at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.714102

    Razonamiento configural como coordinación de procesos de visualización

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    Presentamos un estudio que identifica los procesos de visualización de estudiantes para maestro, cuando resuelven problemas de geometría, que requieren una prueba matemática, en un entorno de lápiz y papel. Los resultados muestran la influencia que tienen las figuras iniciales, que acompañan a los problemas, y las modificaciones posteriores de estas figuras en el desarrollo de las aprehensiones discursiva y operativa, que constituyen los vínculos entre los procesos de razonamiento matemático y la visualización en la resolución de problemas de geometría en contexto de lápiz y papel. Finalmente, identificamos posibles causas de las limitaciones que dificultan el desarrollo de dichas aprehensionesThis study identifies visualisation processes in student primary teachers when they solve geometry problems requiring mathematical proof, in a pencil-and-paper environment. The results reveal the importance of the initial diagrams that accompany the problems, as well as subsequent modifications of these diagrams in the development of discursive and operative apprehension, constituting as they do links between mathematical reasoning processes and the visualisation of geometry-problem solving in a paper-and-pencil context. Finally, we identify the possible causes of those limitations that hinder the development of such apprehension


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    Presentando el pasado. Arqueología y turismo cultural

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    Maresin 1 activates brown adipose tissue and promotes browning of white adipose tissue in mice

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    Objective Maresin 1 (MaR1) is a docosahexaenoic acid-derived proresolving lipid mediator with insulin-sensitizing and anti-steatosis properties. Here, we aim to unravel MaR1 actions on brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation and white adipose tissue (WAT) browning. Methods MaR1 actions were tested in cultured murine brown adipocytes and in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC)-derived adipocytes. In vivo effects of MaR1 were tested in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice and lean WT and Il6 knockout (Il6−/−) mice. Results In cultured differentiated murine brown adipocytes, MaR1 reduces the expression of inflammatory genes, while stimulates glucose uptake, fatty acid utilization and oxygen consumption rate, along with the upregulation of mitochondrial mass and genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function and the thermogenic program. In Leucine Rich Repeat Containing G Protein-Coupled Receptor 6 (LGR6)-depleted brown adipocytes using siRNA, the stimulatory effect of MaR1 on thermogenic genes was abrogated. In DIO mice, MaR1 promotes BAT remodeling, characterized by higher expression of genes encoding for master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and function and iBAT thermogenic activation, together with increased M2 macrophage markers. In addition, MaR1-treated DIO mice exhibit a better response to cold-induced BAT activation. Moreover, MaR1 induces a beige adipocyte signature in inguinal WAT of DIO mice and in hMSC-derived adipocytes. MaR1 potentiates Il6 expression in brown adipocytes and BAT of cold exposed lean WT mice. Interestingly, the thermogenic properties of MaR1 were abrogated in Il6−/− mice. Conclusions These data reveal MaR1 as a novel agent that promotes BAT activation and WAT browning by regulating thermogenic program in adipocytes and M2 polarization of macrophages. Moreover, our data suggest that LGR6 receptor is mediating MaR1 actions on brown adipocytes, and that IL-6 is required for the thermogenic effects of MaR1

    The effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy among patients undergoing radical cystectomy for variant histology bladder cancer: A systematic review

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    Objective: To systematically review the evidence about the effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) with pure urothelial carcinoma (pUC) in radical cystectomy (RC) candidates affected by variant histology (VH) bladder cancer. Methods: A review of the current literature was conducted through the Medline and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) PubMed, Scopus databases in May 2020. The updated Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were followed for this systematic review. Keywords used were ‘bladder cancer’, ‘bladder carcinoma’, ‘bladder tumour’ and ‘bladder cancer variants’ and ‘neoadjuvant chemotherapy’. Only original articles in English published after 2000 and reporting oncological outcomes a series of more than five patients with VH were included. We excluded series in which the oncological outcomes of patients with pUC and VH were undistinguishable. Results: The literature search identified 2231 articles. A total of 51 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility, with 17 eventually considered for systematic review, for a cohort of 450,367 patients, of which 5010 underwent NAC + RC. The median age at initial diagnosis ranged from 61 to 71 years. Most patients received cisplatin-gemcitabine, methotrexate-vinblastine-adriamycin-cisplatin, or carboplatin-based chemotherapy. Only one study reported results of neoadjuvant immunotherapy. The median follow-up ranged from 1 to 120 months. The results showed that squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is less sensitive to NAC than pUC and that SCC predicts poorer prognosis. NAC was found to be a valid approach in treating small cell carcinoma and may have potential benefit in micropapillary carcinoma. Conclusions: NAC showed the best oncological outcomes in small cell variants and micropapillary carcinoma, while NAC survival benefit for SCC and adenocarcinoma variants needs further studies. Drawing definite considerations on the efficacy of NAC in VH is complicated due to the heterogeneity of present literature. Present results need to be confirmed in randomised controlled trial

    The risk to the collective alcohol consumption of among young people: perceptions from the school

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    Objetivo: Conocer cómo perciben el riesgo para la salud los agentes educativos (padres, profeso-res y compañeros) de los jóvenes participantes habituales en actos colectivos de consumo de alcohol del tipo del botellón. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo. Muestreo teórico intencionado que incluyó a 109 participantes: 57 jóvenes, 27 padres y madres y 25 profesores. Se realizaron 14 grupos focales entre febrero de 2012 a mayo de 2013 en 4 Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la ciudad de Granada. La estrategia de análisis se realizó a través de la teoría fundamentada y siguiendo las etapas propuestas por Taylor-Bogdan. Resultados: Del análisis de los datos se obtuvieron 5 cate-gorías: la percepción de los riesgos sobre el consumo de alcohol; condicionantes internos y sociales que influyen en la decisión de los jóvenes para consumir alcohol; actitudes y conductas en el entorno familiar frente al consumo de alcohol; diferencias intergeneracionales de las formas de divertimiento asociadas al alcohol y el papel del entorno educativo frente al consumo de alcohol de los jóvenes y su influencia en los cambios de conductas. Conclusión: comprender el botellón como un fenómeno complejo y dinámico donde intervienen factores tanto internos como sociales, reitera la importancia de potenciar estrategias integradas y sustentadas en la corresponsabilidad de los actores involucrados. Así, desde el contexto educativo como eje articulador se destaca la necesidad de un trabajo interdis-ciplinario e intersectorial que implique de forma activa a los propios jóvenes.Objective: Knowing how they perceive the risk to health (parents, teachers and peers) of the usu-al young participants in the botellón. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative study. Intentioned theoretical sample include 109 participants: 57 youth, 27 parents and 25 teachers. In 4 Centers of Secondary Education of the city of Granada, were made 14 focus groups between February 2012 and May 2013. The analysis was conducted by grounded theory and following the steps proposed by Taylor-Bogdan. Results: Were obtained 5 categories from the data analysis: perception of risk on the consumption of alcohol; internal and social factors that influence the decision of young people to consume alcohol; attitudes and behaviors in the family related with the alcohol consumption; inter-generational differences in the forms of entertainment associated with alcohol and the role of the school to the consumption of alcohol by young people and their influence on behavior change. Con-clusion: Understanding the botellón as a complex and dynamic phenomenon which involves social factors both internal and reiterates the importance of promoting integrated and supported on shared responsibility of the parts involved. In this sense we emphasize the need for an interdisciplinary and intersectional work actively involving young people themselves stand out from the school as the linchpin

    Circunstancias y motivaciones que influyen en la decisión de los jóvenes de abandonar el botellón

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    Fundamento: La experiencia de los jóvenes que abandonaron espontáneamente conductas relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol puede servir de referente para evitar que otros jóvenes menores de edad se inicien o eviten estas conductas de riesgo. Objetivo principal: Identificar las acciones naturales llevadas a cabo por jóvenes mayores de edad que han dejado de asistir a actos de consumo colectivo de alcohol del tipo del "botellón" o "macrobotellón". Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de tipo descriptivo-exploratorio. Los participantes fueron 15 jóvenes mayores de edad residentes en Granada que dejaron de acudir al botellón. Como técnica de recogida de datos se utilizó la entrevista en profundidad y semiestructurada. El análisis de datos se realizó siguiendo la estrategia propuesta por Taylor-Bogdan. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 3 categorías: Circunstancias y motivaciones de abandono, Alternativas al botellón y Estrategias para disminuir los riesgos asociados al Consumo Colectivo de Alcohol. Conclusión: La madurez evolutiva asociada a la edad cronológica, por sí sola no es un factor que condicione la decisión de los jóvenes de participar o no en el botellón. Las expectativas y valores negativos asociados al consumo de alcohol, el grupo de referencia, y el cultivar nuevas aficiones, son las principales razones que asocian los jóvenes a la sustitución del consumo colectivo de alcohol como forma de ocio habitual. Por otro lado, los hallazgos sugieren que el desempleo juvenil y las escasas alternativas de ocio son factores macrosociales que inciden en la participación de los jóvenes en el botellón